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Supported by a global community

From bug bounty hunters to Fortune 500 engineers.


Since 2020, we've added 50K stars. We've merged 10K+ pull requests from thousands of individual contributors. We have 100K downloads weekly and 50 million monthly runs from 100+ countries.


For cybersecurity discussion, check out #general in the Nuclei category. For Welcome and Getting Started or if you prefer a forum, visit #community-forum, or learn more under #contributing.


We're in LOVE with @pdnuclei templates! They let you: - customize your security scans - look for specific vulnerabilities - reduce/eliminate false positives @AppSecEngineer


Our user base is among the largest in the InfoSec community, and we are used by security and developer teams at top internet companies such as Fastly, Microsoft, CloudFlare, Facebook, IBM, and others.