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About us

About us

Making cybersecurity accessible, simple, and community driven.

Making cybersecurity accessible, simple, and community driven.

Making cybersecurity accessible, simple, and community driven.

We are a small remote-first company with a diverse set of team members.

We are a small remote-first company with a diverse set of team members.

We are a small remote-first company with a diverse set of team members.

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A message from our
CEO & Co-founder

Our mission is to democratize security, together. In this groundbreaking era of cybersecurity, we envision a landscape where community engagement and collaboration are key. By uniting individuals and enterprises, we can elevate security standards, transcending the limitations of solitary innovation and embracing a cooperative approach to tackling cyber threats.

Our journey began with open-source tools such as nuclei, httpx, and subfinder - crafted to address the complexities and limitations of legacy security tools. We understand the challenges posed by these tools: excessive false positives, lack of customization, overstated criticality of vulnerabilities, and obstacles in collaborative remediation. 

ProjectDiscovery’s open-source origins have illuminated the transformative power of community and collaboration. Our products are not just tools but beacons of our belief in a more collaborative, transparent, and effective approach to cybersecurity. Join us as we pave the way for a more secure, innovative future, democratizing security for all.

ProjectDiscovery Team
ProjectDiscovery Team


Investors and Advisors


A place where
everyone can thrive

Embracing the remote lifestyle that allows for a healthy balance.

Embracing the remote lifestyle that allows for a healthy balance.

Embracing the remote lifestyle that allows for a healthy balance.

Working with a Global Team

Working with a Global Team

Working with a Global Team

ProjectDiscovery started the way a lot of great software does—trying to make our jobs easier. We were a group of security researchers and ethical hackers, and at the time, enterprise security software did only one thing really well: appease auditors. 

For the day-to-day work of actually identifying, finding, and fixing vulnerabilities, co-founder and CEO Rishiraj Sharma turned to open source, which led him to a GitHub repository and the rest of the co-founders. We were all feeling frustrated by the same challenges in our jobs. The tools we used: 

- Were too slow to innovate in response to new developments and threats
- Produced too many false positives, making it hard to prioritize vulnerabilities
- Weren't customizable to our organizations' architecture
- Tended to overstate the criticality of many vulnerabilities
- Made it hard to collaborate on remediation across teams and departments

After working together to create several open source solutions—all while only knowing each other by our GitHub usernames—we founded ProjectDiscovery. The goal was to make it easier for organizations to identify and fix vulnerabilities in their systems, as well as provide a platform for security researchers to share their knowledge and expertise. By pooling our collective experiences, we could innovate exponentially faster than proprietary vendors.

The project's community kept growing and we kept shipping, to the point where people assumed ProjectDiscovery was a real company. We were working on it in our free time, all while our user base grew and people were asking for new features. After raising a seed round, we went full time in January 2021, and have grown to a team of 35 people from over 10 countries.

ProjectDiscovery started the way a lot of great software does—trying to make our jobs easier. We were a group of security researchers and ethical hackers, and at the time, enterprise security software did only one thing really well: appease auditors. 

For the day-to-day work of actually identifying, finding, and fixing vulnerabilities, co-founder and CEO Rishiraj Sharma turned to open source, which led him to a GitHub repository and the rest of the co-founders. We were all feeling frustrated by the same challenges in our jobs. The tools we used: 

- Were too slow to innovate in response to new developments and threats
- Produced too many false positives, making it hard to prioritize vulnerabilities
- Weren't customizable to our organizations' architecture
- Tended to overstate the criticality of many vulnerabilities
- Made it hard to collaborate on remediation across teams and departments

After working together to create several open source solutions—all while only knowing each other by our GitHub usernames—we founded ProjectDiscovery. The goal was to make it easier for organizations to identify and fix vulnerabilities in their systems, as well as provide a platform for security researchers to share their knowledge and expertise. By pooling our collective experiences, we could innovate exponentially faster than proprietary vendors.

The project's community kept growing and we kept shipping, to the point where people assumed ProjectDiscovery was a real company. We were working on it in our free time, all while our user base grew and people were asking for new features. After raising a seed round, we went full time in January 2021, and have grown to a team of 35 people from over 10 countries.

ProjectDiscovery started the way a lot of great software does—trying to make our jobs easier. We were a group of security researchers and ethical hackers, and at the time, enterprise security software did only one thing really well: appease auditors. 

For the day-to-day work of actually identifying, finding, and fixing vulnerabilities, co-founder and CEO Rishiraj Sharma turned to open source, which led him to a GitHub repository and the rest of the co-founders. We were all feeling frustrated by the same challenges in our jobs. The tools we used: 

- Were too slow to innovate in response to new developments and threats
- Produced too many false positives, making it hard to prioritize vulnerabilities
- Weren't customizable to our organizations' architecture
- Tended to overstate the criticality of many vulnerabilities
- Made it hard to collaborate on remediation across teams and departments

After working together to create several open source solutions—all while only knowing each other by our GitHub usernames—we founded ProjectDiscovery. The goal was to make it easier for organizations to identify and fix vulnerabilities in their systems, as well as provide a platform for security researchers to share their knowledge and expertise. By pooling our collective experiences, we could innovate exponentially faster than proprietary vendors.

The project's community kept growing and we kept shipping, to the point where people assumed ProjectDiscovery was a real company. We were working on it in our free time, all while our user base grew and people were asking for new features. After raising a seed round, we went full time in January 2021, and have grown to a team of 35 people from over 10 countries.


Relentlessly investing in new technologies and methods to bring meaningful improvements to our customers' experience and outcomes.


Operating in the open with a rigorous focus on documentation and allowing open access to information. Unless an explicit reason exists, everything should be written down and accessible to anyone in the company.


Constantly striving to do our best work with a focus on iteration and action over perfection.


Working together and winning together. We're an organization built on the power of our open source community. Internally we want to continue those values and encourage collaboration and community in all of our efforts day to day.


Acting like an owner and empowering peers to act like owners. We want to give our people flexibility to innovate and find solutions wherever they see opportunities.

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ProjectDiscovery Cloud Platform

Use automation, integration, and continuous scanning to help defend the modern tech stack.

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Our diverse community spans members from full-time bug bounty hunters to Fortune 500 security engineers.

Ready to get started?

ProjectDiscovery Cloud Platform

Use automation, integration, and continuous scanning to help defend the modern tech stack.

Join our Community

Our diverse community spans members from full-time bug bounty hunters to Fortune 500 security engineers.

Ready to get started?

ProjectDiscovery Cloud Platform

Use automation, integration, and continuous scanning to help defend the modern tech stack.

Join our Community

Our diverse community spans members from full-time bug bounty hunters to Fortune 500 security engineers.